© 2016 APS
Warehousing, Packaging & Tranportation
(DOT, IATA, & IMO) Compliance
At APS we bring experience as first responders, industry
professionals, and community based outreach & response support
programs. This permeates all aspects of our approach to the complex
and sensitive issues which surround proper transportation and
warehouse management.
Hazardous Materials also known as Dangerous Goods in the
transportation arena. APS can help you design a Dangerous Goods
Transportation Plan (DGTP) which will insure that you properly design
and manage the packaging, marking, labeling, documenting,
registering, shipping, and carrying of dangerous goods by all modes
of transportation. We can also help you with your Security Awareness
Plan, Bi-annual Inspection Terminal, and Hazard Analysis of Critical
Control Points.
If you need fire extinguisher use training, a hot work program and
training, a commodity classification analysis, chemical classification
analysis a high piled storage permit or an H Occupancy area or
building, APS can help you define your solution.
Warehousing has many challenges from cost effective use of space to
properly protecting the commodities which you are storing and
distributing. Proper design to protect against the natural challenges
presented by your specific area and catastrophic event while
maximizing the efficiency of day-to-day operations is the greatest
challenge of today's warehouse manager.
APS can create a customized program which will satisfy the
regulatory requirements while creating a usable system for your staff
on which you can rest assured that will be actually followed during the
day to day operations of your endeavor. APS has experience with
truck, rail, vessel, military and civilian aircraft.
2016 APS